Humble abode

19 days have passed since we moved into our Highgate Hill townhouse. Only one box of 104 remains in our garage. We’re well on our way to feeling settled.

To me, settling is about the details.

The timer is primed, the salt and pepper shakers are embracing, the bird tray awaits cocktails.

The map prints welcome friends for Saturday night Mexican feasts and Sunday afternoon perogy-making sessions.

The beer-bottle bookshelf holds hours of entertainment. The glass globes await terrariums, the glass bottles await freshly cut stems.

Except for the occasional library or cafe visit, I’ve been working from home at the dining room table. It’s pretty convenient. 7+ varieties in the cupboard above the stove. Clean toilets. Fridge stocked with hummus and baby cucumbers.

Moving into the office (our second bedroom) upstairs will make my 9-5 more comfortable. I would have been typing away among the books and craft supplies already had it not been for my blunder in the garage last week. I thought I would be clever and take apart the desk on my own and assemble it during my lunch break, amazing Chris upon his evening return. I pulled it apart, unwittingly stripping the screw holes. Hopefully we can reassemble it with L-brackets.

There will be more nesting. A futon awaits us, as well as shelving for the office and garage. We’ll return to Ikea soon, land of meatballs and fake knitting projects.

One thought on “Humble abode

  1. A..D…O…R..A…B…L…E! i love it, your place looks just like you and chris. By the by, I love that red bag…very Momma Fed….hehehe…I am counting down the days to your visit. Mom

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